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We have all watches the movie, Rocky. Rocky went through some rough training to get where he got. Can you eat raw eggs in a glass for breakfast? Don't worry, we won't make you! The point is, Rocky made it through his training and got his title shot with motivation. Motivation to be the best. The Eyes of the Tiger. We are going to bring out your eyes of the tiger. Here's our vision:

The Eyes of the Tiger

           The Beginning


Everyone starts somewhere, and when it comes to fitness, it's better sooner than later! Trust me, the longer you wait the harder it is. That is why the first step is the hardest and the initiative to start deserves is place as the first step in our process. The beginning is within you as you stand at the bottom of the mountain, looking up, thinking to yourself "I gotta make this quick, there's another mountain tomorrow!"

           Let's Break a Little Sweat


Goal achievement means something very special when you work hard to get to the top of the mountain. Results are made of sweat and we will get results. Whether it's at home, outside, or in the gym, this is the step that will mean everything. Working together, we will set you up on a program style of your choice that will yield results. Safety and motivation is the key to success with this part of the service process. I'll handle the safety, let's find your motivation.

           Fork in the Road


We guarantee that you will see results to the goals we set together. By combining our nutrition advice, fitness routine, and motivating goal setting that we give you, you will reach the top of the mountain. At the top, there is a fork in the road. One path leads to more service with us. The other leads you on a solo mission to new challenges. Either way you choose, you will have the knowledge to succeed at this point from us. That is our guarantee!

           Fitness Portfolio


You won't realize the true measure of your results without knowing where you were when you started! That means everything covered in your opening consultation will start your Fitness Portfolio, which will be updated periodically with progress, results, goals and notes from your fitness journey. Nutrition advice is kept here for you as well. You will know your progress on paper. You will see your results in the mirror!

           Let's Talk


Ok. You take the first step and you are ready to start your fitness journey. So, let's talk. Let's sit down and get a calculation on where you stand at the beginning. We will determine the long term future at this time, setting an ultimate goal and your immediate short term goals. You Fitness Portfolio starts here.

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